Tel: 0120-466-6900
Know Pegasus
We are the Pioneers of Decentralised Model for Urban Solid Waste
Management. We are Running Zero Waste to Landfill at GPRA Complex, New Moti Bagh, New Delhi for 6 years. We are focused on treating the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) at micro- level via our Proprietary Polycrack Technology thereby significantly cutting down the solid waste going to the landfills.
Our Technology has Converted Plastic into
40,000 Lts+
Oil Produced
50,000 KGs+
Plastic Recycled
8,000 KGs+
Natural Gas Produced
Facts About Waste
What is the Problem ?
2.2 Billion Tons of Waste Generated every year...
It will double by 2050
Un-segregated Waste
Organic Waste mixed with Inorganic waste becomes non-manageable and manifolds the problem
Only 20% of the total Waste in India is being processed despite of 70% of waste being collected
How Pegasus is Solving this Problem ?
Our Latest POLYCRACK Technology can convert all Plastic Waste to Oil, GAS and Carbon
Polycrack is world’s first Heterogeneous catalytic process which converts all types of mix waste into useful resources such as Gas, LDO, Water Carbon and Power.
Waste Plastics
Rubber Tyres
Agro Plastics
Frac Sludge
Organic Waste
Fats & Grease
Solid Waste
Light Diesel Oil
Natural Gas
Pegasus Proudly Supports
Honourable Prime Minister
Sh. Narendra Modi's
Vision for
Swachh Bharat
New Moti Bagh
Delhi's First Zero Waste Area
Recognised and Supported By
Ashok Chaudhary
With over 28 years of exemplary professional experience combining technical expertise, extensive construction knowledge, management skills and strategies, Mr. Ashok Chaudhary is committed for a Green Planet via there POLYCRACK Technology which can convert all Plastic Waste to Oil, GAS and Carbon.
Rajesh Mittal
With 25 years of experience in plastic waste management and converting plastic waste to fuel, Mr. Rajesh Mittal brings his entrepreneurial spirit to every initiative he undertakes.
He is passionate about preserving our earth and its natural resources for the betterment of future generations.
Pegasus in News